Logistics Services

Logistics Services

Customs Management

Our Customs unit is specialized in carrying out complete customs procedures for corporate, national and international clients, in need of integrated logistics solutions.

These procedures include customs declaration and cargo releas in all ports and airports, and bonded warehouses in Dominican Republic, as well as those involving other services such as ocean, air and land transportation and storage.


We provide storage services for dry cargo (dangerous or conventional) and refrigerated (different temperature ranges) under the following modalities:

Warehouse, Logistics Operator, General Regime, Bonded and Re-export in Warehouses, strategically located near all ports.

We also offer a wide range of integrated logistics services for local and international companies such as:

Inventory management
Warehouse Cargo Insurance
Transportation and distribution
Picking & Packing


• General and bonded storage
• Logistics center
• Container deconsolidation terminal


• Inbound logistics (unloading, verification, classification and stevedoring)
• Outbound logistics (picking, classification and loading)
• Reprocessing inbounds (returns/resufals)

Reefer chambers with different temperatures
Warehouse for dry cargo

Strategic Locations

Logistics Operators (3PL) offering a variety of storage solutions tailored to your needs:

Caucedo, Logistics Center within the port in Boca Chica
Rio Haina, in the vicinity of the port terminal
Santo Domingo, located in strategic areas inside and outside the city center


Collection and delivery of loads
From and to any point in the Dominican territory.
Truck distribution
Of different sizes, closed and open, dry and refrigerated
Escort services and road safety
From and to any point in the Dominican territory.

Stamp Sales

Stamping for bags, briefcases, envelopes and devices to ensure the integrity of your merchandise and documents. Development of Solutions to indicate if merchandise has been violated during transport.